I started early Saturday with making the backing for the quilt. The backing fabric was 44/45 inch wide, so I pieced it using 3 sections. The center section was 44/45 inches wide with two sections sewn on each side, about 30 inches wide each.
It was hard work, but I was trying to be consistent and really wanted to finish this quilt, so I proceeded on with the pin basting.
I used the sunflower pillow to sit on and kneel on. I get quite a work out when doing this!
Big Brother has a snap on table to be used for quilting, so I got him ready to go.
I am free motion quilting the center of the quilt first. Then I will quilt the borders. Its hard to quilt the center of the quilt because so much of the bulk is rolled up and crammed under the arm of the sewing machine. The next quilt I make will NOT be as big!
I am working on this at least an hour each night this week and hopefully can finish the quilting by the weekend. Then I can make the binding and finish my first quilt of 2011!
Love the colors you used in that quilt. It's going to be beautiful. The add on table for quilting is a great addition for your new machine. Glad you're enjoying it.
very pretty quilt, Debbie! and I am guessing you will make your goal and get it done very soon,
Your quilt is beautiful! :o) I have been reading your blog to see if you still like that sewing machine...before I purchase it. I read so many reviews on it. Looks like it is handling the job!
North Carolina
Looks great, I'm very impressed with how even your stitches look. You are a great "stitch regulator", that is one area that I still need to work on when I free motion quilt.
Okay, your pictures were so very helpful to me! Seeing you do this on a regular machine encourages me as I do the same. Also, I never thought to use safety pins. I'm always using straight pins and getting frustrated when I get stuck or they pull out.
It's going to be beautiful!
Hi Debbie,
How pretty. What a big job. Looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.
It looks so good, Debbie! I get overwhelmed just "thinking" about putting something that big into my sewing machine! Good job!!! I predict you'll have one of those fancy long arm quilting machines before it's all over. ;o)
Debbie, I am so impressed. It still makes me wonder how you can free motion quilt as you do. It is amazing!
This is such a pretty quilt, and you are doing a wonderful job.
Auntie M
Very nice. I'm making my first quilt and I won't be free motion quilting on it like you are. You do a fantastic job and when I get more experience I want to make beautiful quilts like yours.
To Tamara, I hope you see this. After I've used the machine a little more, I'll do a post on how I like it. Its mostly good though! The quilting table isn't as sturdy as I'd like, but its still good. Did you see it on Amazon? That's the best price I've seen anywhere and free shipping.
Hi Debbie,
thanks for changing my info and following, loving the quilt, the colours are so comforting and soothing, you are certainly moving along with your projects for 2011 at a steady pace.
florrie x
It looks great! All that hard work will be worth it!
It will be so worth it when it is done!
A friend new to quilting was quite surprised at how much exercise is involved. It still surprises me sometimes, too.
You are doing so well quilting such a big quilt. It looks great so far. Keep up the good work!!!
Love your quilt. The colors are very pretty. Wanted to give you a tip on pinning your quilt. I hate putting it on the floor to pin it. Learned years ago how to pin it on one of those large folding tables, the ones like from Office Depot or such. I tape a tooth pick to the center of the table. That way I can "feel"the center when I have my layers going on it. I then fold my backing in quarters and lay it good side down and make sure I have it in the center. I use binder clips to attach it to the table. Then I do the same with the batting, smoothing it out as I go. Again, moving the binder clips so it then holds the batting and backing fabric. Then I put the top on, same procedure, with the good side up. Having it smooth, and binder clips on, I then proceed to pin all that is on top of the table. When finished, I move it to one side and clip it again, then pin that part. Do it til the whole quilt is pinned. Don't have to craw around on the floor. Couldn't do it even if I wanted to. Just a suggestion.
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