In an effort to outsmart the heat and drought, we planted them here with a soaker hose all ready to go.
Farming is hard, even in our small kitchen garden. People who farm for a living have a hard job!
I made a list of my 2021 goals that I wrote down in the back of my planner. Its time to review that to see how I am doing! But, here are a ...
Great idea to use the soaker hose. I agree about the difficulty of farming. My dad farmed for many years when I was growing up.
You got it, Girl! We ate well, but we surely did work hard.
Everytime I go to the grocery store, I remember those jars of beans and tomatoes that used to line my shelves. It was hard work, but back then I could do it. Now I just look for bargains and buy as much as I can. Hope your okra grow well for you.
I hear you about gardening/farming being a lot of WORK!
Those are pretty plants! I'm not much of an okra lover, but they are nice looking.
My soaker hose springs a leak every year. I guess I need to buy better quality. I get mine at Dollar General. I snake mine through my tiny side garden.
It is a lot of work, especially the weeding in the heat.
Stay cool. It's a hot one today!
Hi Debbie,
I enjoy all your garden pictures. Have a wonderful week end.
Mrs. E
I have Okra Envy. Ours suffered from cold and wet and didn't do anything. Very sad.
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