I have been posting about my theme for 2011, which is to be consistent. Its so easy to make New Year's Resolutions ,or if you are avoiding the word, "Resolution", plans or goals. The hard thing is to consistently work towards those goals when the excitement of a new year starts to wear off, which for me is about a week!
Since today is the first day of the year, I thought I'd write here that my first priority in being consistent is to grow spiritually in 2011. The Lord provides many ways of doing this. Each and every one of us is different and He knows that each one of us need different ways of becoming close to Him.
So what things do you do, or experience by God's Grace, that help you to grow spiritually?
Of course these are the most obvious:
1. Church attendance
2. Bible reading and study
3. Prayer
For me I need all of the above, but to take it one step further, I need to serve God in my everyday life. When there are things you do that are hard, but you know God wants you to do them, remember that you are serving Him.
My favorite Christian author is Elizabeth George. Her writing speaks to my homemaking dreams heart in many ways. HERE IS A WEBSITE that contains a daily recording by Elizabeth George. This is one small way I can lift my heart spiritually in 2011. If I need an extra lift, there are archives!
So to grow spiritually in 2011, my goal is to serve God consistently through practical Christian living.
Here are just a few ideas:
1. Family: What better way is there to serve God? Being a helper and cheerleader for our husbands, if married, doing laundry, cooking, providing a peaceful atmosphere all please God. Helping my Mother in her daily life during this season of her life is not always convenient, but an important part of serving the Lord for me. Even though my children are now adults, I am still serving God by being there for them.
2. At work: Answering the phone is not my favorite thing to do there, but you never know how you are serving God by being polite and helpful Striving for excellence (I always fail) in doing a good job is pleasing to God.
3. Couponing: This is a good way to purchase food for my Church's food pantry to help feed the hungry. Also this helps me to be a good steward of my family's grocery budget;
4. Sewing/Quilting: I like to sell some of the items I make, but have become more and more aware of an inner desire to use this as a ministry. Not only can I make gifts for family and friends, but the items I make can be donated to many causes. I have been contemplating making baby quilts to be donated to a pediatric intensive care unit or Unwed mothers' home.
5. Blogging: It is my hope that this blog is an encouragement to someone and that any ideas I have are helpful. I hope to honor God here and to grow spiritually as a result.
6. Homemaking: This includes lots of the ideas in number 1, but I will go further to include cooking, menu planning, cleaning, gardening and the list goes on....
I am the first to admit that I often fail in my quest to please God, both here on this blog and in my daily life, but I will keep working at it! He is always gently calling.
It would help me in this journey if you could share the ways you are growing spiritually closer to God. Please share these in the comments! Thanks and Happy New Year!
Here is my list I hope it isn't to long.
1.continue losing weight
2.wake up by 5 on work days
3.save more
4.a deeper prayer life
5.try to see things from God's perspective.
6.write in my journal
7.eat healthy
10. when at home limit computer time
My daughter and I are both reading and studying from Peace for the Journey and Simple Abundance this year.
Something I see all around me is arrogance. I read this morning that arrogance makes us blind to grace.
I fail too. My work away from home continues to be so difficult but I will work toward these 2011 goals and hope to be a better person for it. Thank you for leading us with your blog.
Thanks Rita! Thats a good list and no, its not too long. I appreciate your kind comments and encouragement to me also.
I am still working on my list (I did post a sort of silly list on my blog this morning, but I am still working on the REAL list). However, reading yours was a very pleasant experience. The way you see the eternal in the everyday is inspiring. Keep up the good work.
Hi Debbie,
I enjoyed reading your list. I am working on mine today. One thing I want to do this year is memorize one verse a month. Another is to bloom where God has planted me.
Thanks for the encouragement.
beautiful.Belated wishes for the happy and properous new year 2011
Your list resonated with me! Some of the ways I'm trying to be consistent in spiritual things this year are to have my devotions first thing in the morning (rather than rushing into the day and then finding time to do it later), taking better care of my health (exercise and eat right to control my diabetes - my husband requested this specifically of me this year), and focusing on keeping my home in order (I do this through following FlyLady, again per my husband's request). My goals were simplified for me this year by my sweet husband, who only asked those two things of me; the rest of my goals are/will be icing on the cake! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
While I was growing up religion never played a big part in my life, which in some ways I feel sad about. I've often thought of slipping into the back row of the church on a Sunday morning, and I'm sure I would be welcomed.......it's just fear of the unknown I suppose.
It's wonderful you have such strong convictions and beliefs, and that you had the chance to experience and learn about religion within your own family.
So it's difficult for me to make a list of this sort, but if I had to make a list it would be something like this.
Be more ready to listen to other peoples views and opinions, even if they seem a million miles from my own.
Understand that there is more than one right way of doing things.
Don't pre-judge people or situations.
Be a good friend to those who need my frienship.
Learn to trust my childrens judgement and believe they will invariably do the right thing.
Be kinder to myself.
Be kinder to this wonderful planet that God has leant us.
I know this list is a bit different from all the others, but then I suppose it's because we are all different.
florrie x
I think the thing that helps me grow the most spiritually is to continually keep my time in His word and prayer as a priority. Whenever that goes, all the other things fall by the wayside too.
Have a Happy New Year, Debbie!
What a beautiful thoughtful list. I love how you started with the obvious then included the other areas of your life. We do serve God (or fail to do so) throughout our busy days. You've made me be more thoughtful of the moments that make up my day.
Hi Debbie, enjoy reading your blog so much. My spiritual goals for 2011 are to have a prayer journal, never been very good at it. To have a quiet time with the Lord every morning. Would also like to Read two Christian Bio's this year and would like to be an encourager to others.
My name is Debbie too
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