I have been having computer problems, so please forgive the lack of posting lately!
I'm still working diligently on getting my routines, to-do-lists, schedules, calendars and LIFE in order. This is such a busy time for me and this is helping me to stay on top of things and relieving some of the anxiety.
Reading little snips from organizational books, blogs or websites also help me to stay motivated and I keep learning new things.
Here's a tip I read in an older book I own, which was bought at a library discard sale, called "The Messie's Manual", by Sandra Felton. I don't consider myself a messie.... just time challenged. But, nonetheless, this book contains some valuable information. It is one of the keepers in my collection of reference books for homemaking.
Today's Organizational Tip:
If you have a long term project, break it down into small jobs. Then schedule a few minutes a week for working on it. This will help relieve some of the anxiety of having this project looming in the future.
The long term project that comes to mind for myself is our 2009 Tax Return preparation. I have a "box" where all our paperwork goes into all year. By this time of year is gets pretty full, because most of what is in there is totally unnecessary as far as record keeping for tax return preparation is concerned. This is a project that I could work on a few minutes here and there, just going through it and putting together the receipts that will be needed when tax time rolls around. I simply need to schedule it! This is a great tv watching project. When I am finished, the box just goes back into its storage place until the next scheduled time to work on it.
I'm sure all of you can think of a long term project that you could schedule a few minutes a week toward. I would love to hear what they are!
Glad that you are back on with this. I love to follow even if I do not comment each time.
How is the quilting coming along?
Especially the wedding one?
I've missed you! Love the music... love Somewhere over the Rainbow... but that isn't willie nelson, is it? This is my favorite version!
Missed you too.
My looming project I have been working on is my husbands shop. It is a total mess! He can live with it but I can't. So...I guess that leaves me cleaning it up.
I have been working on it for the past couple of months a couple of hours each Saturday. I just do a section at a time. It is starting to show progress but still a long ways to go!
I really need to practice this concept in my own home. It could use some deep cleaning.
You always motivate me Debbie. Thanks! :)
Glad you are back. It's been very quiet lately. I think many people are busy with holiday planning and family.
I have a perpetual long term project - keeping the house free of clutter and stuff we don't need. It's such a huge job, that I just chip away at it. I've got a box in my spare room that is filling up with out grown clothes, or stuff I don't plan to wear anymore. I'm even paring down my Christmas stuff.
Hi Debbie,
yesterday I stayed in my jammies all day and went slow. I got so much done. I am starting to get organized too. I enjoy these post.
I need to break down the cleaning of my bedroom into small jobs. When housecleaning, my bedroom is the last room to get done and usually it just never does get done. :(
I've been enjoying your organizational tips.
My husband does this tip himself. I'm more of a cram the night before for a test type of girl, but I think this is good advice!
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