Last week I worked in my kitchen doing a deep clean and decluttering the counter tops. So what did I do as soon as a corner was empty? Fill it back up!
Anyway I placed this chicken tray, which was a gift from my husband, in the corner, along with three cookbooks that I am currently cooking meals from. The tray was formerly located on top of the china cabinet, but I really like it here as a background for other items. I want to put a small lamp there too, as soon as I find one that works. I am thinking a red and white checked lamp shade would be cute.
I went through these cookbooks recently, making a list of the recipes I wanted to try, a list of items to be bought from the grocery store and the page numbers of the recipe in each cookbook. When I make my daily list the night before, I choose a recipe from one of the cookbooks from my recipe list. Since I wrote down the page number and the name of the cookbook, I can easily find it.
In the morning before work I open the cookbook to the page I need, gather the ingredients and place them in the corner of the counter. Like this:

Don't worry, the frozen sausage will be placed in the refrigerator before I go to work, or my husband will put it in there when he comes home for lunch.
Now when I get home from work, there is no question as to what will be for supper, since the cookbook is already open to the right page and I KNOW that I have all the ingredients on hand because I checked that morning before leaving to go to work.
This post is a part of Whatcha Working on Wednesday at Leslie's blog, My Country Home. I am really working on getting organized and this post represents just one of the ideas I have come up with. For more ideas on getting organized, see my POST HERE on how I make up my "To Do List".
Happy Wednesday!
I've always thought those cook-books were too pretty to be stored in a cupboard!
Hi...I'm a recent reader of your blog and am enjoying myself!
Come see me when you can!☺
This a great idea. Thank you for the tip. I like your cute corner too. Kathi
That is a great idea!
Great idea! I love that chicken tray, too. I think cookbooks look great when they are displayed in the open.
I love Gooseberry Patch cookbooks.
After looking at your picture, I need to find a way to place mine where they can be looked at and enjoyed too! My kitchen is pretty small and cluttered. I have so much kitchen stuff, but my sister and my husband say it's becasue I cook almost every day and actually use it.
This is the last house we will live in, so someday we'll be able to re-do the kitchen. More storage please!!
Hi Debbie,
I did my menu plan for the month today. I agree it sure makes life easier.
I decided to organize all my "favorite" recipes into a book of their own a few years ago. I used a blank journal for this. It worked great, until recently, I realized I have a ton of "clipped" out recipes stuffed inside; recipes that I want to try one day. Another thing I need to work on. I think the lamp will look cute with your cookbook collection.
Great idea!
BTw, love your header, so sweet.
Sorry I've been gone for so long, I needed a little break but I'm back!
Looks like I have some back reading to do.
Tomorrow is my big bake-a-thon. It has been so cold here that it will be a great day to run the oven!
I'm making Walnut Toffee Bars, decorated Christmas rollouts, chocolate chips, and trying a new mint butter cookie recipe. Instead of having a dinner, the women at church are having a cookie swap this year. And my family expects cookie baskets.
My sisters need to learn to bake, crochet and quilt. They think all that is big sister's job! But I love doing it for them and they know that. It is just time to pass on the torch!
Great idea and if your husband gets home early, he can get it started. ;)
Thanks so much for my anniversary greeting!
I love the little display you made. I'm still in the process of putting out Christmas decorations, but hope to have them done by next week!
Hi Debbie,
I'm missing your regular postings. Hope everything is Ok.
Look forward to your next post!!
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