These are pictures from a shower my daughter's co-workers gave her last night. It went really well. Her friends are so sweet. The food was great and we really enjoyed it.
A really cute gift she received was a wreath made with baby diapers, rattles, pacifiers, socks, etc. It is shown in the first picture. That was a really neat idea and useful too! I think I would like to make that for a baby gift someday!
I put together the punch that I'll be using for the baby shower that I am giving her on July 15th this morning. It will be in the freezer until the party and then I will take it out, add the ginger ale and it'll be ready. The only problem is the color. I had a vision of this blue punch because the baby is a boy and the colors of the shower are going to be yellow and blue. The recipe says to choose the color of jello according to the color you want the punch to be. I found some really great blue jello and so I thought the punch would be blue.... well if you add something yellow to something blue, you get green. The recipe calls for pineapple juice and that's yellow. So the punch is going to be a TEAL GREEN! Its exactly the collor of UNCW's school colors. AAARGH! Oh well, I'm sure it'll taste good. I still may just leave this one in the freezer until some other future event and see if I can come up with some blue punch! I used this same recipe for her bridal shower and used lime jello which made the perfect color of green I was after and it tasted wonderful! Here's the recipe if you are interested. Just beware of what color jello you use!
1 (6oz) or 2 (3oz) pkg. jello
3 c. sugar
2 qts boiling water
3/4 c. lemon juice
1 (46oz) can pineapple juice
2 qts cold water
2 qts ginger ale
Choose the flavor of jello according to the color of punch desired. Dissolve jello and sugar in boiling water. Add remaining ingredients, EXCEPT GINGER ALE. Pour in containers and freeze. Just before serving, add ginger ale. Remove from freezer long enough to become slushy in your punch bowl. Then add the ginger ale. Keep other containers in the freezer for future use. Makes approximately 50 cups.
It is good to freeze these in gallon freezer bags. A person to hold the bag while you pour is helpful. Then stand them up in a large pot or other container until frozen to prevent spillage.
Happy 4th of July!
Debbie J.
Your daughter is such a cute little mama! Looks like she had a nice shower... love the diaper wreath!
Your sweet daughter looks so pretty and happy. What a nice shower. Have a beautiful and blessed day.
Did the punch end up being teal? I need a teal punch for a bridal shower but wanted to check before I make it! please email me at thanks!
Did you figure out how to make the teal punch? I am needing the same.......
Did the punch end up being teal? I am needing this as well....
Yes, the punch did end up being teal. I was shooting for baby blue, but it came out teal.
If I were you I'd experiment ahead of time to make sure it turns out the color you want.
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