A trip to the nearest small town to run errands was first on the agenda including a quick stop at the thrift store to check the dishes section. I was happy to find a small ironstone platter for my collection, and two little cream pitchers.
They make interesting little pots for some houseplants. I just have to be careful not to over water since there are no drainage holes. Just a couple of sips of water at the time.
This is a tiny African Violet that I rooted.
This odd shaped cream pitcher holds a couple of Aloe plants that I found still alive (just barely) after being left out all winter on the front porch. I will leave them here until warmer weather and then transfer them to a bigger pot with drainage holes and put it outside for the summer. It will make babies for many pots of Aloe. I wish you all lived near by so I could give you some of them.
I love that afternoon sun streaming into the kitchen.
I just had to get my hands in some dirt since Spring time is tempting me to get busy in the garden and yard. Dear Daughter gave me a couple of ground cover plants and I decided to put them into some pots for the time being. They will be easier to water and can be transplanted to the ground later if I decide to. Moss and Ajuga. That's a small Pansy on the far right.
These two ivy plants stayed outside all winter and have done well. When I keep them inside they get spider mites! But, outside they are fine.
I filled two bird feeders. The birds have been very active lately, flying in and out of birdhouses and flitting about. There are dozens of red breasted robins in our yard. I don't think they really need the bird seed because they are very fat already!
On the front steps these pots are waiting for spring, too, when I will pop some annuals into them.
Time to exchange a spring wreath for this NC State one on our front door. It looks a little too Christmas-y from a distance.
These are some Pansies that I finally got around to putting into a pot. Its been so cold, windy and dreary around here and today was the first day that was decent for being outside for any length of time digging around in pots.
This "Ghost" plant fares very well outside year round. In the spring and summer it grows really fast and makes babies easily.
Indoors I am still quilting this big quilt and enjoying candles burning.
Springing forward tonight means more daylight after work. Maybe I can get more outdoors things done from now until next Winter.
Your quince is beautiful! And you make me want to learn to quilt- just don't know where to start. : ) Be in NC in 2 weeks keeping our 10 month old grandgirl for the first time alone! So excited. Angela
Beautiful blog. I loved each picture and your description, as well.
We worked outside, pruning and trimming. We are ready for Spring.
Looks like you had a great all-to-yourself day! I enjoy those too. And then I enjoy having my honey back! :) I'll get one of those days in a few weeks when my honey goes to speak at a men's conference. Already planning what I want to do! ;)
Hasn't the weather been nice! I sat outdoors for the past few days and actually got a little red! I got some gardening done and planted some turnip seeds for my indoor starter trays. The laundry got lined dried quickly with the sun - love it!
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