Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Storing things in their logical places...

I'm still working on this area where we have the filing cabinet and shredder set up. Its in a corner of the dining room. Before hubby and I started working on it, it was a big mess. There were boxes of papers to be filed and shredded.
I've been choosing an area of the house to work on each week. I call this my "focus area" or "area of concentration". A couple of weeks ago our focus area was PAPERS!
We lived with a mess while we were working on this, but it was worth it. I'm still trying to set up our files so that I can lay my hand on any paper quickly.

This week my focus area is drawers. Almost every room in the house has a drawer or several drawers. Most of them need decluttering and organizing. In addition to having a focus area I am trying to put things in the logical place that they belong.

For example, today after work I cleaned out one drawer of the china cabinet. You would think that only things such as place mats, napkins, napkin rings, and the like would logically be in these drawers.

But not our china cabinet!  Just a few of the things in these drawers that don't belong are: office supplies (pens!), picture hanging hardware, matches, 4 church directories, at least 30 to 40 birthday and other greeting cards we have received, a happy birthday banner, and an address book,

There are lots of things in my house that aren't stored in their logical place. But, where does one store old church directories and cards? I put them in a plastic lidded box and put it under the bed. Not sure that's the logical place, but it makes more sense than the china cabinet.  I classify those type things as sentimental items, and I have pictures and other sentimental items stored under the bed in plastic containers.


Debby said...

You are moving right along with getting things in order!! I too like things where they belong, to bad I am the only one in the house that feels that way! Ha

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
You are make food progress, I have been working on this too. I still haven't figured out how to tame the paper monster.lol

Impera Magna said...

I have a spot where I keep stuff like envelopes, cards, my address book, stapler, tape, hole punch... office like stuff... I keep the church directories with my address book... since it's a reference book that has to do with correspondence.

Good on you for continuing this challenge!

ancient one said...

I need to do all the things you do instead of just reading about yours. Too bad... I'd rather read than organize...

Glimpses of Home - first quarter of 2021

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