A Woman After God's Own Heart, by Elizabeth George. Little PenPen recommended this book to me and I saw on some one's blog that this is a life changing book. Ever the frugal homemaker, I looked at the library and saw that it was out. I put my name on the waiting list, but evidently the person who checked it out likes it a lot, because she never returned it! I finally gave up and went to the Family Christian Store and bought my own copy. I did have a coupon!
The first thing I did was go straight to the part about getting organized, loving your husband and that kind of thing. I love it! So now I have started at the beginning on Page One and plan to read it in its entirety.
Thinking of You and Thank You cards that need to be sent out. My elderly neighbor lady, Ms. B., has finally been placed in a nursing home on Labor Day. We were outside in the yard when we saw the ambulance slowly transporting her away from her "Homeplace". Probably forever. She has lived there her entire life, from birth. She never married, got a driver's license or went away to school. Her story is HERE and HERE. I miss seeing her watching us from her front porch! I want to send her a card once every week or so.
I also need to send Ms. Georgia Bonesteel, a famous quilter and author, a thank you card for the book she sent me. See THIS POST on my Angel Scraps Quilting Blog.

Just can't seem to get my coupons organized anymore! I must do this tonight!!!

Books from the library... probably need to be returned too!

The things beside your chair or on your bedside table can tell a lot about you. What's beside your chair?
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your sweet neighbor, Debbie. I remember all that you shared about her.
That's nice that you are sending cards out - it's something I want to start doing again too. It's been on my heart. People don't take the time to encourage each other much anymore!
Also, your meals over the weekend looked so good!
that sounds like a great book, I just ordered a copy on Half.com for $4.24 shipped.
I keep the Elizabeth George book on my nightstand... sometimes I just pick it up, open wherever my fingers go, and read a paragraph or two. I have read it twice and will probably start it again soon. I'm sorry to hear your little neighbor had to go to the nursing home. I remember how much your son enjoyed visiting with them. So sweet of you to send cards... at our nursing home, their bullentin board is the only thing the residents have, that they can truly personalize. It'll make her board special. (if she doesn't have anyone doing that for her already, if you guys drop by, that might be something you can do for her... keep her bullentin board extra cute!)
Hi Debbie,
Beside my chair is my Mass Book,Prayer Book and Roasary, :) I have too have been sorting out clutter this week. It seems to sneak up on me. LOL I love that book.
That is my all-time favorite book! You will be blessed for reading it.
As promised, my healthy update on the green bean casserole. We just had this last night for dinner, and my father said it was much better that the conventional recipe.
Green Bean Casserole
2 cans low-salt french style gr.beans
1 sm. package french-fried onions
2 c. cream of mushroom substitute
Cream of mushroom substitute
In a skillet, sautee 1 c. chopped fresh mushrooms in 2 tbsp. butter until tender; add 1 tbsp. olive oil and about 4 tbsp. flour to make a roux. Add 2 1/2 c. milk and bring to a boil. Immediately turn heat down to about a med-low and continue until thickened, stirring constantly, just like you are making gravy. combine this soup with all of the other ingreedients, just like when you make the regular green bean casserole; salt and pepper to taste. Bake covered at 350 for about 40 min. The soup substitute makes this much healthier, as it cuts WAY down on sodium, and contains no MSG. I hope you enjoy it!
That was the first book I read that turned my heart toward my home. I had already been doing the 'things' a wife is suppose to, but this book changed the heart that I did them with.
I'm sorry to hear about your neighbor. I know she will love hearing from you in the form of a beautiful card.
Beside my chair I have my Bible, some papers that need to be organized (sigh!), and some sewing.
The story of your neighbors was so sweet It's sad that MS. B had to go into a nursing home. Edison sounds like a wonderful brother. That was so nice that Georgia Bonsteele sent you an autographed book!
I hate to hear your neighbor had to go to a nursing home. That is a very thoughtful idea to send cards.
You mentioning the cards reminded me of my grandmother. She use to send cards all the time to people.
Your food you cooked this weekend looks wonderful!
Following God With All Your Heart and Finding God's Path Through Your Trials, both by Elizabeth George, and my bible are on my nightstand. I love her books!
They seem are a little less expensive when ordered directly from her website, www.elizabethgeorge.com
It's the shipping costs that get you though.
I've read the Elizabeth George book and it is excellent. Right now I have a book of Soduku puzzles, my Bible and the book Pagan Christianity? by Frank Viola and George Barna beside my chair.
Hi Debbie!
How have you been? I am sorry to hear of your neighbor...some people leave such a blessing in your life that it really is a loss to see them move.
"A Woman After God's Own Heart" is my all time favorite book. I have read it many times over. I needed a great deal of guidance when I was married and I felt guilty for wanting to stay home and try hard after all, no one I really knew was overly committed to doing that and even would say it would drive them nuts to stay home. She also encourages women who have to work. Such a nice lady, I bet. Right now I am reading "A Woman's Walk With God" by Elizabeth George; all her books are good.
Have a good day!
C. C.
Hi Debbie,
Great post, you will find most of Elizabeth George's books by my bedside, She has been such a blessing to me.I think i must have all of her books. I know you are going to be blessed by her writings.
Talk about coupons I try and try to get a system going but just can't find one, if you have a good one please let me know.
Hope your week end is filled with many blessings.
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