I didn't get the Christmas Stocking made that I planned or much progress done on the Early Autumn Quilt this weekend.
I did make this totebag as a birthday gift for one of my brothers who turned 60 on Friday. He is a true-blue UNC Tarheel fan, and my hubby and I are NOT. I had some left over fabric from a special order pocketbook that I made a while back and was more than happy to get this fabric out of the house. LOL
Even with my dislike of the fabric, I am pleased with how it turned out. I lined it with quilt batting, doubled the fabric in the handle and placed a covered double piece of cardboard in the bottom. Its very sturdy.

As I stated, he's a big UNC Tarheel fan and loves to watch them and other teams play football, so I put football snacks in the bag. There are packages of popcorn, potato chips, peanuts and cookies in there.

Sometimes its very hard to choose gifts for men, especially if they already have everything they want and you don't know what else they would like. In that case, remember FOOD IS ALWAYS A WINNER!
Hi Debbie,
How pretty. What a great idea.
This is a great idea (and a lovely bag too)! It just so happens that my husband and I are UNC fans (and alumni) so I'm a bit biased :-) I will be sneaking my hubby's old Tar Heel t-shirts (b/c he definitely wouldn't part with them otherwise) and cutting them up to make a blanket for out Carolina room. Hopefully I can get it complete by Christmas!
AMEN!!! To getting that blue stuff out of the house! You did a great job.
And, yes. You can never go wrong with food in the bag.
great idea Debbie
my brother got his PhD at UNC so he would like that gift. He teaches at a different univ. now but he loves UNC, esp. during basketball season.
I've seen the Armed Forces fabric too, that would also be a nice gift for a military member.
What a cute idea Debbie! I wanted to let you know that Lyn has started a blog. I have the link on my blog.
Cute idea... I'm not a big sports fan, but everybody I know seems to be Carolina fans. I love it when I run into a State fan!!! I think of you everytime I hear that they are playing.
what an awesome idea! and men so love snack foods:-)
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