Anyway, last night after work, while supper was cooking, I whipped up this one. The fabric is kind of drab, but seemed like a good choice to try a dish towel on. Its a medium weight and after being pre-washed is very soft. Perfect for a dishtowel. I have several more pieces of similar fabric that I plan to turn into dishtowels. This one only took a few minutes.

Here is the back showing the ribbon hanging loop.

They are easy to make. All you have to do is cut out the size towel you want, plus about 1/2 inch all the way around the rectangle. Then press under a 1/4 inch edge once and then turn that over 1/4 inch again and press. Sew close to this edge. You can easily add a loop for hanging on one corner using ribbon, etc.
As I said the fabric in this one isn't that pretty, but using fabric in my stash is a great way to be frugal! If I enjoy using this type towel, I will make some prettier ones soon.
I have never thought about making my own dish towels! I got so many of the cotton ones for bridal shower and wedding gifts that I won't be needing any more for a long time. But still, it's nice to know what all we can make ourselves!
Also, I never knew what the ribbon in the corner of the back of the towel was for. Thanks to this post, now I know!:-)
awww Thats so kewl
very cool... I NEED new towels. Is the fabric thick enough to work very well as a dish towel? I would love to make some!
Penny, I wondered about the thickness too. This fabric is a little thicker than regular cotton. It may have been mean't for curtains or something like that. It is absorbant, but probably not as much as terry cloth. If you look at the towels at Walmart you can see how thick the fabric should be for this type of towel. Then mosey over to the fabric department to get some similar. Thanks!
Hi Debbie,
What a great idea! Is the fabric all cotton or is it terry cloth?
Hi Debbie!
That seems sort of like a magical thing...I've never thought about that before. I thought those things had to be bought! Of all the things I sew, it has never occured to me to make a dish towell. I even make my own laundry detergent now...I'll have to think about this some more...
C. C.
Hi Debbie,
What a neat idea. Have a Happy Labor day.
Hi Coleen,
The fabric I used is all cotton. I think it may be hard to find the right kind of fabric for these. The one I used was thicker than regular cotton fabric and soft, so it'll work ok, but probably not as good as terry cloth or some other more absorbant fabric. I'm going to be on the lookout for fabric that will work for this.
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