My question is: Do you have ideas for adding pretty and feminine touches to my side of the closet? I'm brainstorming ideas using fabric, flowers, pictures, a lamp, and other things like that. Have you used any of these things in your closet?
I continued to work in my closet last night. You really can get a lot accomplished if you work on something for short periods of time each day!
But you have to stick to it! I really didn't want to do this the past two nights, but figured I could do anything for a few minutes (Thanks Emilie Barnes and Flylady!). I made myself get started and once I got started, it was enjoyable.
I am working my way around the closet, straightening and purging as I go. I removed my heavier winter clothing, such as sweaters and wool jackets. These are stored in another closet in the house that has room for my off season clothing. I left my transitional clothes that can be worn in our North Carolina roller coaster spring weather. I have two large piles for donating to the thrift store.
I am planning some pretty, feminine touches to this closet, but for now here are some utilitarian items. I am trying to use as many things as I can that I already have on hand. As much as I would love to go shopping for closet organizers, they are expensive!
A three drawer plastic cart that holds small items such as socks and undergarments.

A wooden crate for storing pocketbooks and other bags.

Two over the door plastic heavy duty hooks for storing recycled gift bags and my few dressy or long items of clothing. This is where my wedding dress and the dress I wore to my daughter's wedding hang.

I'd appreciate any ideas you have for making this space more feminine!
What about painting, maybe your section a very pale feminine color and his a pale neutral to match?
I put toile wallpaper in our pantry, the kitchen is blue and the toile is a complimentary color. i just love this, I wish I had done this in my closet, but it would be a great way to make it feel feminine :)
I love your wooden crate for holding pocketbooks. You could buy yourself some inexpensive hangers in "girl" colors, that would be used for your clothes, only. You might be able to do something with the plastic container to "feminize" it for yourself. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
I've been eyeing those shelving containers with the clear plastic shelves like you show in your picture. What about lining the fronts of the drawers with pretty scrapbook paper? That could look feminine and hide what's in the shelves at the same time.
I need to do this too! I was thinking that maybe it would be easier to pick a theme, like shabby chic - all white washed and pink toile. I saw some toile fabric at walmart last week.
I've seen blogs where people cover second hand or recycled items with pretty paper. It makes everything look so unified.
Hi I saw your comment for at Lyn's blog and just wanted to let you know that I had a CVS card that I got for transferring a prescription and kept it without using for about 5-6 mos. When I went to use it they had devalued it to half the amount. Apparently that's not uncommon with GC's. So just be sure to check into that if you're going to hold onto those cards.
I am impressed. How about a basket of rose petals or, depending on how large your space is, a comfy chair. I know some who literally use their closet as their "prayer closet."
I like the ideas suggested so far. I think you are doing really well with your plan.
I agree about the hanger idea Pen Pen suggested and I would add to pick up some lovely faux satin padded hangers for lingerie and the like. I found some at a dollar store once and got a set of 8 for $1!
If you have any sort of table top or dresser inside, it's a great opportunity for a mirrored tray with pretty little things, perfumes (naturally feminine looking!), silk flowers, etc. I also have on my dresser inside my (very small) closet super-girly picture frames (which I would never place around the home, my husband isn't huge into girly decor!) with pictures of myself with my children. Another idea is to display, somehow, a photo of a woman you admire or something pretty along those lines. I am Catholic, so in my closet I have a little display on the inside wall with a beautiful old depiction of the Virgin Mary with some flowers around it.
On a non-decor note, Martha Stewart suggests a small box with mending supplies and all those extra buttons you get with your clothing. I LOVE that idea!
Oh! And sachets with lovely fragrances! I loooove those!
Hi Debbie!
My favorite thing for a closet are those paper mache hat boxes at Hobby Lobby. You can paint them and add stripes, ribbons, flowers, fabric - whatever! Then they can stack to the celing and look nice.
Have a nice day!
C. C.
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