These are some highlights from my weekend.....
On Saturday I hung out three loads of clothes. The weather was perfect for this. Now that the weather is more conducive for hanging them out, I hope to decrease the use of my dryer dramatically. Since I work full time outside the home, this is my strategy for this.
1. Be aware of the weather forecast.
2. First thing Saturday morning, weather permitting, wash and hang the clothes that do well on the line. For us this is sheets, t-shirts, boxers and the like. For us there are certain things that need to go in the dryer, such as jeans and towels. While the clothes on the line are drying I can be drying the remaining ones in the dryer.
3. By hanging out some laundry I am able to dry smaller loads in the dryer. I try to watch the dryness of the clothes so I can take them out as soon as possible to decrease dryer time. If I'm not noticing they can be dry and the dryer keeps going, and going.... LOL
3. During the workweek, hang a few clothes before work and/or on the drying rack strategically placed over an air conditioner vent.
I made a set of six cloth everyday napkins to sell in my Etsy Shop. I'm just a country girl/farm girl and I'm a sucker for fabric with sheep, tractors, cows and the like. These have sheep and checked hearts. I am definitely going to make myself some of these. I also cut out a clothespin bag from this same fabric that I'll be sewing this week for the Etsy Shop. I plan to make napkins and clothespin bags from more farm type fabric I have, such as sunflowers, bandanna fabric, etc.
Saturday I made my Son-In-Law a camouflage grocery bag. He wanted to be able to help save the earth without looking like a girlie girl!
These are roses my sweetie cut and placed in this vase for our centerpiece for Sunday Dinner. He gave me this rose bush when we first got married. Its name is "Don Juan". LOL.
Sounds like you had another great weekend!
Your husband sounds so sweet and thoughtful! I did laugh over the name of the roses. ha.
I`ve been enjoying your blog!I would like to learn how to use my sewing machine and your bloog has alot of great ideas!Hope you have a blessed evening!!
thoes napkins are very cute!!The roses are beautiful as well!!Blessings!
Nice pictures! What a pretty place to hang the laundry.
Hi Debbie,
I love hanging certain clothes outside. The roses are soo pretty.
You had another very productive weekend. You are quickly turning into my "hero".... you stay so very busy and accomplish so much! I love the farm prints too and the camo bag is too cool for words. About the clothesline... if you remember, I only recently had mine installed at the house we are selling. Hubby says we can take it with us... I said "no", just have me another one made wherever we settle. I love my line too. :o)
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