~Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages
~Open the book to page 123 and find sentence number 5.
~Post the next 3 sentences
~Tag 5 people.
The area for the laundry can be anywhere: in the basement, closet with a stack washer-dryer. All you need is access to electricity, plumbing, drainage, and a vent to the outside of the home for your dryer.
Often this area of homemaking becomes such an awesome task that a lot of stress is created due to our inability to keep up with the volume of clothing. I remember one lady with ten children telling me that one of her loads of laundry had 78 pairs of socks. That's a lot of socks!
(That's more than 3 sentences, but I couldn't resist!)
Book Title: Emilie's Creative Home Organizer by Emilie Barnes, Updated and Revised.
I bought this book at a library book sale for a quarter. It is paperback and pretty tattered, but I go back to it again and again. Emilie Barnes is one of my favorite authors.
I'm not sure who to tag! Leave me a comment if you'd like to be tagged by me!
I also wanted to show you some children's books I found at a thrift store for 25 cents each. They are vintage, hardback, in excellent condition and I would consider them classics. Sometimes you have to dig around in thrift shops. This particular store is very small and stuff gets piled on top of stuff. I was digging around in the toys looking for classics such as Fisher Price, etc. and found these like new books under some boxes. All of the books that were on the book shelf were worn out and ragged. I'm sure these would have been gone if they were out in the open.
Happy Wednesday!
good book finds, some are titles I read to my children when they were young.
We kept our clothing down to very basic needs, everything a person owned could not amount to more than one washer full. It kept the amount of laundry to a managable amount and never frustrated the children with having too many items to put away. I did laundry every other day and it worked wonderful.
I'll play if you tag me, LOL!
Wow...you remember an eclipse from the mid-60s? You were even alive in the mid-60s? You look much younger than that. Sure it wasn't something that happened in a former life, LOL?
Nope, uh...uh...
...no way in Hades are you gonna hit the big 5-0 this week! You must have made a mistake--you surely have at least 15 years to go!
I'm off to play tag!
What's this about the big 5-0?
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