I simply picked up one of my "reference books".
When I was cleaning on Saturday I ran across my "time management" books and got started reading them again.
Each of these books contain reading material that have helped me to get organized in the past. I can't say which one is my favorite, because they all have at least one of my favorite topics. The chapter on being EARLY and having a FRONTLOG in the "How to Have a 48 Hour Day" is the one I'm trying to put into use right now. I couldn't lay my hands on my organizing books by Emilie Barnes, (need to get my books organized!) but any of her books will help to motivate you.
So, my time management tip for you today is to go to your own book collection for inspiration or even better, see what your library has available to help you in this area. The above books are kind of old and so you could probably buy some of them on Amazon for just a few dollars.
I love books like that. I'm currently rereading "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George. It has a lot of home management ideas in it too, and speaks of how God intended for women to "keep the home".... a wonderful book that I highly recommend if you've never read it.
I actually went through my old day planners today. I have one for each year. I was re-reading my morning routines & weekly schedules. I have a few really good books on time management that I'm going to get out now so I can read parts of them tomorrow. Thanks for the great ideas!
I use to buy all the organizing/cleaning books I could get my hands on. I never did fully clean or organize everything that I wanted though. My husband use to say that I am making all of the authors rich! I still enjoy reading these types of books. Have a nice weekend...Janel in NJ
I have many of those books too. I just love Donna Otto and listen to her on One Place. Com
Good Idea! I just pulled out my "Confessions of a Happily Organized Family" by Deniece Schofield. I consider myself a fairly organized person but right now I have tons of things going on and I realize that I need some help coming up with an organization system to keep track of everything!
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